Tuesday, February 25, 2014

GlossyBox Review - Valentines Edition

So here it is! My February GlossyBox came in the post last week and I absolutely love it! The box is decorated beautifully with kisses all over it as the theme of this GlossyBox is Valentines. As this is only the second GlossyBox I have received so far I was so excited to see the box at the bottom of the stairs in my house and nearly fell down the stairs while running to it! :P

Of course the first thing I noticed once I opened the box was the bar of 
Lindt Lindor Chocolate Bar
My family has been on a real health kick lately so I have been suffering because of it as there is a lack of treats in my house. So I was very happy to get that bar and put it aside which I later ate with a lovely cup of tea.

Next thing I pulled out was Nougat London Sparkling Body Shimmer

As I have mentioned before I am quite cautious when using body gels/creams. So the night I got it I spread a little bit over a patch of skin on my leg and  on my arm. The next day there was no itchiness or redness so I was happy enough to use it. It smells absolutely amazing. I said to my friend the day I tried it: ‘‘it smells just like pink.’’ And it leaves my skin looking radiant and sparkly! Definitely will be a product I will continue buying, especially since it is so hard for me to find a skin product like this that won’t irritate my skin.

Also included in the box was Sleep In Rollers Backcombing Brush.

While I have backcombed my hair a few times back in the day, I had never used a backcombing brush before. A couple of nights ago I searched online on just how to use it so I didn’t go messing up my hair. I found some really good quick tutorials. I loved the result from using it in my hair and will definitely be using on my next night out on the town. I’ll have to keep a close eye on it though because my sister has been eyeing it up as well and I can somehow see it being slipped into her back and suddenly disappearing. :P

We got a couple of make-up products this month as well. Starting with the
Maybelline New York Master Kajal Liner

This is such a handy item to have for me as im still getting used to applying eye-liner and this makes it so easy. It’s a cream-stick liner which goes onto the eye so easily with just one stroke. Absolutely love it. Also if you make a mistake while applying it, with one quick swipe it comes off easily before it dries on your skin.

And then they also included NV Chunky Lip Crayon

Now my first impression of this was... ’it’s very pink.’ But after applying it I instantly fell in love with it. Again it is so easy to apply and fix if any mistakes are made. I usually use a brush for my lips but with this product I am happy to just apply it straight on with the crayon. It is a beautiful bright shade of pink and can be made more natural by spreading it gently across your lips.

Here’s a pic of me wearing the Master Kajal Liner and NV Lip Crayon:

And last but not least, the box was included with
H2K Skincare Je t’adore Aromatics Shampoo & Sensual Hydrating Hair Conditioner.

I love trying out new hair products and seeing how they work with my hair and of course the smells of new shampoo and conditioners is just amazing. And it’s no different for this product. After using these and drying, my hair was soft and smooth and smelled great! I even got complimented on it during the day. It says on the leaflet we got with the GlossyBox that these products revitalises and nourishes your hair and you’ll notice it in a few days, so I will continuing my usage of these and see how they fair in more long term conditions. But as of yet I am very satisfied.

Well that’s it for another GlossyBox review! Thanks for reading!
Let me know if you got the GlossyBox and what you think of it!

Stay Beautiful


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